Pass Aleph P versions

Hi, how can I recognise the several 'releases' of Pass Aleph P ? If it has remote control, than is it sure a 1.7P or not ?
Unsound, the remote allows you to control volume as well as change from one input to another.

What do you expect a remote to do? wash the dishes for you or walk the dog?
Sorry but I couldn't help it !

In my humble opinion a remote control is a must for a preamp ,provided is well designed.

I LOVE my Aleph Ono. it is very flexible for loading and offers variable gain. It is vey dynamic and pretty quiet too. Between the Ono and the Aleph P, the Ono was the superstar.

My first piece of Pass gear was the Ono. Though Pass they told me of one of their dealers who had a second hand Aleph P. I bought that Aleph P. I wound up selling the Aleph P but never sold the Ono. If I find something I really like, I keep it a long time. I have had my Revel speakers and mybturntableceach over a decade.

I replaced the Aleph P with a CJ Premier Pre amp, which in every sense was more enjoyable than the Aleph P. and the Ono remained. I have heard other phono preamps and have concluded that to do much better you have to spend much, much more. By the way, the CJ Premier preamp is now also gone.

I know Fremer thought the Ono sounded a little threadbare, but I absolutely hear none of that. Quite to the contrary, I hear a sense of micro and large scale dynamics that is outstanding.

I suspect I will keep the Ono until, 1- it dies; 2- I die; or 3- I hit the powerball, whichever comes first. Considering my Ono has needed a repair, and that last year I came way too close to buying the farm, I think I'm due for #3.