Take a listen to the new 1295 Rogue Sphinx tube hybrid Integrated amp offers flexibility headphone section ,phono ready it is a real nice machine.
You mentioned ( looking for your first real system.)
In a world filled with sizzle, these are the steak Vandersteen 2CE Sig 2
These full range form following function speakers offer in my opinion a far better attempt at reproducing the venue. Both Rogue and Vandersteen are made in USA if that's important to you.
Dealer for both Johnnyr
You mentioned ( looking for your first real system.)
In a world filled with sizzle, these are the steak Vandersteen 2CE Sig 2
These full range form following function speakers offer in my opinion a far better attempt at reproducing the venue. Both Rogue and Vandersteen are made in USA if that's important to you.
Dealer for both Johnnyr