Where do I go from here?

I am trying to figure out what I should upgrade next for the most improvement. I listen to a lot of classical and a smattering of jazz, folk, rock, a ousting music.

My system is:
Cambridge azur 340c CD player
Cambridge azur 640a (using preamp outs)
Prima Luna 4 (el34 power amp)
Focal chorus 706v
Audio quest type 4 speaker cable and Ixos interconnects.

I am trying to figure out where my best bang for the buck would come from: front end, speakers, or dedicated pre. I am not really married to any one component at the moment.

So detaching is quite good, lows could be better but highs do sparkle and transients are quite nice.

Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Preamp first cdp or dac second cables third. Source is most important given you have reasonable amp speaker match. I would try a tubed pre with good design and proper impedance. Best.
Your system is fine the way it is. There is no reason to spend more money on it.
What phono and mains cables are you using

If you are using the mains cables that came with the gear then upgrading them to something better will improve the system tremendously.

Upgrading to stager silver solids interconnects would probably be the last interconnects you ever buy

I have the Cambridge audio 640p and the Dacmagic - upgrading the interconnects and power supply cables made huge improvements.

Granted, they can get expensive, but if you can put a plug on a wire the power cords can be more reasonable

If you want more info let me know