Lottery Winner would buy what kind of Stereo Gear

If you were to win the Powerball or Megamillions what would your stereo system consist of and why?
For myself I would love to buy Atmasphere's MA3's with his pre amp driving soundlab's current top of the line speakers in a room setup properly for the best listening enviroment possible;not to sure on the sources though but that MBL player sure looked very nice and of course turntable/cartridge combo as well.
I love the big MBL speakers, but I don't think my home would be set up for the gold on white MBL look. OTOH....

If you're gonna go the route of the guy in the MBL video, make sure that you reserve a few bucks for the red silk ascot. And don't forget to practice your "air piano"!

Rleff, That would be my only home, probably right on the beach in SoCal or Hawaii. I wouldn't bother owning another home, just travelling the globe. ;)
"You can live in the past or explore new artists.”

Prog, “or”? Why do you regard them as mutually exclusive?

I’m curious; do you feel the same way about literature? Why read old books like “Moby Dick” or “To Kill a Mockingbird” when there are so many new books?