I would put together my "dream system" from the days when I first became involved in this obsession, (1990ish,) and a two versions of current state of the art, one tube based, and one solid state based. I would likely derive more enjoyment finding the used components for my early 90's dream system than I would assembling a modern state of the art rig. It would be nice to see how close the twenty year old setup could come to the latest, greatest. I'm betting, pretty close. B&W 800s, or Sonus Faber Extremas would be my starting point, and I would work back from there.
I'll need a fourth system too, electrostat or ribbon based...big Apogees, anyone?
How ever much money I would have at my disposal, it's against my nature to buy extraordinarily expensive gear that depreciates faster than Cyprian banking confidence.
I'll need a fourth system too, electrostat or ribbon based...big Apogees, anyone?
How ever much money I would have at my disposal, it's against my nature to buy extraordinarily expensive gear that depreciates faster than Cyprian banking confidence.