Heavy Duty Binding posts for Krell KSA 250

Looking to find out if any folks out there have found and installed a more robust binding post for the older Krells, like the KSA 250. Hopefully without any modifications to the amp. The stock plastic post used on that amp does not really accommodate today's larger spaded speaker cables all that well. Any suggestions are appreciated!
Badnixie, All binding posts have a sound, so do spades. Some are more pronounced than others. I will give you an example. I owned speakers with very small and hard to access binding post, so, I purchased these big beautiful WBT binding posts. They were huge gold binding posts. They looked like audio jewelry and they didn't even require soldering. Instead each binding post had a set screw to secure the wire. When tightening the binding post there was no concern for twisting because it tighten straight with no rotary motion against the spade or bare wire. I knew these were going to be an improvement. Instead they completely destroyed the sound. With these new connectors the bass was totally gone and the music was lifeless. I reinstalled the original binding posts and the sound was restored. Since then I have experimented with numerous spades, bananas, RCAs, XLRs etc. and I have found all connectors affect the sound. None of them were equal to bare wire. Some are brighter, some are duller and some dramatically change the bass or highs not to mention the affects of soldering. So, if you decide to change the binding posts on your KSA 250 and decide to sell it because you don't like the way it sounds anymore please disclose the modification so I can be sure to avoid purchasing it.
Isn't there a Canadian forum you can inflict yourself on? What about the canuckaudiomart a? Maybe you can go there and insult people.
Binding posts with screw-down installation on bare wire can't help being inferior. Just because it will be impossible to gain intimate contact with the wire. Soldering the tips of the wire strands will help but at the microscopic level, you will invariably confirm no contact at all, just arcing to greater or lesser degrees. You can tighten them with pliers and in a week they'll be so loose you can tighten further by hand. Zero consistency in listening tests. The ultimate post is no post at all. Hence, spades and bananas should be soldered to the wire while simultaneously being crimped. I use large channel lock pliers. Now since you do have intimate contact, I would dare wager you'd never hear the difference from one post to another.
Rrog, what specific model WBT posts did you try ? Did you properly crimp WBT copper sleeves to the ends of the wires with a WBT crimping tool before attaching the assembly to the posts with the set screws ? I have done a number of binding post upgrades to WBTs and never encountered loss of bass or other negative effects.
In the case of KSA-250/150, no soldering, set screws or wiring are used. The binding posts bolt directly to output "Buss" bars within the amplifier.

Not hard at all to change for any reasonable electronics technician, but not something I'd recommend to a non electronics person. Those KSA Series amps had very little if any bleeding of the power supply caps, even when unplugged for days these amps could knock you on your butt, or worse!