What's your view on blind testing?

Double blind testing (DBT) has been a hot topic among engineers and audiophiles for God knows how long. The 'scientific' group believes that a properly conducted blind test will reveal negligible differences amongst audio components (amps, cables, dacs, etc.) while the other group believes that there are noticeable audible differences across manufacturer's in various price points. I know there are quite a few EEs on the board here and I'd like to get your perspective. Thanks for any insight.
I agree with Kijanki, that it takes a while to hear subtle differences between components. Often the differences can't be heard on every song, or volume level, etc. And some times it takes listening for a while, then going back to realize the differences between pieces.

And on a related note - A EE degree gives absolutely no insight into how we hear, so a EE's opinion on differences in what sounds a certain way, or DBTs, or anything having to do with audio (not audio gear) is as good as anyone else's (Ask me how I know). I have never understood it when people mention EEs as if they somehow understand these things better than others. A Psychologist would have better insight.
this has been beaten to death, search the arvhives if you like, but... agree w Kijanki. Extended listening is required for me.

"properly conducted" is somewhere between very difficult and impossible.

autiophiles' main issues are not whether indiviudal components are any good, it is with how they work together, or what your personally preferences are. There's a reason the magazines, not to mention opinions here, are focused on subjective experience.
Finally, someone is willing to admit that the sonic differences between components is subtle.

If it takes weeks of listening, then why not run blind tests for weeks. Blind listening, whether a test or not, is very good at removing preconceptions and biases.
not too much required for me.

i can hear the music and tell who's playing a particular instrument and what's the brand of this instrument electric or acoustic.

i would not be able to hear any wire a/b blind at any time.
also easy to hear tube and solid state components on blind a/b.

i would be able to define also a lack of power on blind a/b between poweramps.