I agree with Kijanki, that it takes a while to hear subtle differences between components. Often the differences can't be heard on every song, or volume level, etc. And some times it takes listening for a while, then going back to realize the differences between pieces.
And on a related note - A EE degree gives absolutely no insight into how we hear, so a EE's opinion on differences in what sounds a certain way, or DBTs, or anything having to do with audio (not audio gear) is as good as anyone else's (Ask me how I know). I have never understood it when people mention EEs as if they somehow understand these things better than others. A Psychologist would have better insight.
And on a related note - A EE degree gives absolutely no insight into how we hear, so a EE's opinion on differences in what sounds a certain way, or DBTs, or anything having to do with audio (not audio gear) is as good as anyone else's (Ask me how I know). I have never understood it when people mention EEs as if they somehow understand these things better than others. A Psychologist would have better insight.