At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?

I am 60 years old. I have bought and sold audio equipment for years while trying out gear to get the perfect blend for my system. At 60, I think I may have one more shot at a major overhaul of my system. Whatever gear I have after this next overhaul is the gear I will ride into the sunset. Geez, I hope I'm not 75 still trying to squeeze that last 3% of sonic excellence out of an equipment upgrade purchase.

I think I'm going to have to draw the line at 65.
Hear me now and believe me later (Hans and Franz from SNL)...If you love music, when you have lived with a well built SET mated with the right speakers, that will be "the age" you stop upgrading. Well, close anyway.

I'm in my 60's and got the "vintage" bug a few years ago. I've enjoyed putting together a few nostalgic systems that in no way are an upgrade to what my main system is but I get a tremendous joy out of doing it and listening to it. I will say this though, the Marantz 8b/7c/120b tuner driving SF Guarneri Homages, that I'm listening to right now, gives me something real close to my ref system.
As a lifelong audiophile and music lover (aged 70) my system is the best ever, has recently been upgraded in a major way, and will undoubtedly get better in time, as long as I can hear and function. How we age is a factor of how we care for ourselves (diet, exercise, etc) and many live full lives into their late 80's and beyond. Thus, the 'last upgrade' is a completely individualistic issue. An interesting read is "Younger Next Year" by by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, available in paperback on Amazon. I highly recommend it.
Hi Mitch, I`m almost 59 [march] I don`t see any end in sight, I am however loving the journey a lot more these day`s