Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva

From the Bob Carver LLC Facebook site:

Some of you may have heard that Bob Carver LLC has been purchased by Emotiva. It is true and a very exciting development for the company. We will remain a "Made in the USA" brand of Bob Carver designed products. There are lots of good things to come!!
I don't get the reasons for Emotiva lowering the price of these amps. I assumed that with all the hype and glowing reviews these things are selling well, and keeping the prices at the same level is more profitable...I can only assume Emotiva doesn't care about money, thinks these amps are overpriced in the first place and is taking an ethical stand (!), or thinks they'll sell more of 'em at lower prices. As far as pissing off dealers (or recent purchasers), there's nothing quite like starting a new ownership with a raft of ill will and bad publicity.
Emotiva couldn't give a rats a$$ about dealers. They have a very successful online business. They've seen the handwriting on the wall. Dealers are an endangered species and no longer necessary to be successful in the audio business, Audiogon has proved that. A lot of us buy equipment here without ever seeing a human, it's all done from a keyboard and monitor.
06-27-13: Wolf_garcia
I don't get the reasons for Emotiva lowering the price of these amps. I assumed that with all the hype and glowing reviews these things are selling well ...
Is it possible your assumptions are wrong and one of the reason company was sold to Emotiva? Emotiva can build them cheaper and less expensive to attract more customers.

Most dealers, say 99.9%, don't stock, just take orders and drop ship from the manufacturer so no big deal. assumptions are never wrong, or so I assume. I'm absolutely certain Emotiva has no desire to make money and exists merely to serve mankind as a humble hifi friend, and to make Bob Carver's life easier with a pile of money...or at least his investors...unlike the rest of you cynical bastards.