04-17-13: Bifwynne
Al and Ralph -- take a look at the graphs at the URL above. I'd like to read your thoughts about whether a solid state amp, or any amp for that matter, would get indigestion from those impedances.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for providing that additional data. Earlier in the thread I had linked to
JA's measurements, which provide better resolution than the Soundstage graphs. Also, for some reason the worst case numbers you quoted from HT Lab differ from JA's, with his numbers being more severe.
In any event, IF the problem is amplifier-related I agree that the Zeros would be a reasonable solution, used with their 2:1 impedance ratio. Higher ratios would reduce the maximum amount of power that could be delivered to the speakers to significantly less than the amp's 200W/8 ohm rating.
That said, there are certainly a great many separate power amplifiers that can be expected to provide good results with these speakers, especially given that phase angles are very benign aside from the dip that occurs around 27 Hz. Although, of course, a suitable high quality separate power amplifier would most likely cost much more than a set of Zeros.
Best regards,
-- Al