Think I discoved the reason for my bass troubles:
A while ago I confirmed with Audioqust how to connect my bi wire speakers..Was certain Alaister said Red treble,black bass/Red treble & black bass...It turns out from top down the correct way is Red Treble/black treble & Red bass/black bass..
The bass is sounding much better now..
It's hard to believe this went undected for so long.
I feel silly of course..
I'll be certain this was the source of my problem in a day or two.
A while ago I confirmed with Audioqust how to connect my bi wire speakers..Was certain Alaister said Red treble,black bass/Red treble & black bass...It turns out from top down the correct way is Red Treble/black treble & Red bass/black bass..
The bass is sounding much better now..
It's hard to believe this went undected for so long.
I feel silly of course..
I'll be certain this was the source of my problem in a day or two.