Alternate Power Tubes for a Cary V12R

Howdy - I've got a Cary V12R that takes dozen EL34 tubes. The tubes are getting a little tired and I'm thinking about replacing them. I like the way the amp sounds, but I'm always looking for a little extra - a bit more extension in the treble and tighter bass. the Cary manual states that the amp can run on 6L6, 6V6, KT-66, KT-88, KT-90, KT-99, 6550C, and of course EL34. I'd like to retain some of the EL34 mids if possible. I'm trying to keep it to a dull roar, maybe $50-$60 per pair. Does anyone have any experience rolling tubes in this amp, what are you using, and what do you recommend? Thanks!
For what you are looking to do, my first choice would be 6550's and my 2nd would be the KT88's.

I would also give The Cable Company a call. They sell a lot of tubes and they would probably send some out to you for an in home demo.
I've done some tube rolling but with an Octave integrated. First - I can't think of any output tubes at $50-60 a pair. Most current production output tubes are closer to 50-60 each. That being said you may want to try some Genalex KT77's. My personal favorite is the original Tung Sol 6550 black plate. They carry the EL34 sound but with more bass and power. Unfortunately production was stopped in early 1960. That being any original Tung Sol (made in the USA) tube carries that characteristic to a point. But all are very expensive. Finding 12 would be difficult. But back to reality. The current KT77's are closer to 150-200 a quad.

Not being familiar with the Cary if your amp is auto biasing you would need matched tubes. Otherwise if it is a manual bias you can get away with unmatched tubes but be forewarned if you get one with a low output and you push it with higher output tubes it will be the first to go (simple version). It's always best in my opinion to buy from someone who matches tubes because factory matching is all over the place. Jim McShane is one of the best for what he carries.

Good luck
BTW Tung Sol 6550 solid black or grey plates that test as new typically cost 300-500 each when you can find them.
In your situation where you'll need 12 matched tubes my advice would be to contact an experienced, reputable dealer for a recommendation within your budget. I've had great luck buying from Jim McShane.

I have a Cary Sli-80 F1 and have tried a lot of different tubes, mostly El34s. The Gold Lion KT77 matches your wants, I think, and has been a very reliable tube for me but the're about $90 a pair. The best bargain tube I've found is the 1980's Russian military 6P3S-E, which is a 6L6 type but you would definitely want to get them from someone who can test and match them. McShane sells them for less then $40 a pair.
I owned the original V12 about 10 years ago. Of the tubes I tried, I thought the EH 6CA7 worked the best. Contrary to some, I didn't like the Svetlana SED KT88; they were very closed in on the top (no pop).

I would suggest talking to Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. He used to sell Cary. I think he liked the new Mullard EL34, among other options. I would also suggest upgrading the other tubes. Mine used 6922s and changing those-- to NOS Siemens-- made a big difference. He could probably help you here, too.
Will it run KT-77 tubes? I tried those in my Quicksilver V4 amps and liked them a bit better than the EL34 I replaced.