Primaluna Dialogue One or Line Magnetic 218IA?

I am trying to figure out which mid-level tube integrated to get. All things considered I can get these for about the same price.

I have heard the LM and like it, but I will have to order the Prima and then return with a restocking fee if I don't like it. BUT, it has gotten some tremendous reviews.

I would be using this with a Cambridge CD player and Vandersteen 2CeSig II's.

Any thoughts or advice? Thanks!
IMO, I would give the Primaluna a spin. Just look as the potential restocking fee as the cost of doing business. An audition in your space is worth paying for IME.
While I do like the idea of a home trial when you're gonna spend a few grand on something, if it were me I'd find it hard to send back the primaluna if I essentially invested a few hundred on a demo. I am satisfied with the LM 211, and have enjoyed listening to the dialogue at a local shop. Then again i've posted a thread wondering what exactly differentiates all these $1500-2000 chinese built el34 or kt88 integrates as I find them to be pretty close in sound to each other.
Add the Melody MK88 to your considerations. I owned the Dialogue 2 and think the mk88 may have been better. I'm pretty sure if it, but my speakers changed in between listens.
And if we are adding additional options to your list, I'd suggest also looking into Rogue. All of these have great reputations. I chose Rogue in part due to its ability to deliver excellent bass, which may not be a strength of other tube amps in this price range.
I believe you will ultimately be disappointed if you don't upgrade the CD player first. Consider an Oppo 105 or Marantz SA8004.