LDR Active Preamp - does it exist?

I am using passive LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) volume control LightSpeed Attenuator. As much as clarity and all the good stuff about this little preamp, I wish I can have some gain for my low sensitivity amplifiers. Is there any existing active preamp using LDR volume control?
Higher Input sensitivity means a lower number. For example a 1V sensitivity is better than 2V. A 700mV sensitivity is better than 1V. Gain was exactly the reason I chose the Parasound A21 over others, when using my TVC which is a passive component.
Nguyen787 Hi, 4v sensitivity for your amp means it needs 4 v in to get it to go to full level, that means when using a passive you need a source cdp or dac that gives out 4v or greater. It would be far better if the amp were changed to two 2v sensitivity. What is the name and model of this amp so I can check to see if it is possible.?

Cheers George
Also please give the source name and model as this may be configured to give out more.
Cheers George