Different amps for summer and winter?

I live in Southern New England, where the temperature gets to about 100 on the very worst summer days, and falls to below 0 in January or February. I've wondered, half seriously, about having two sets of amps -- a pair of class A babies to warm up my listening room in the winter, and a very cool running set of, say, class D amps for the summer months. Is there anyone out there who actually does this?
I used to have this kinda madness having VTL MB100 for winter and Sunfire SRA for summer.
Decided to keep Sunfire for both of seasons because sounds better in both cases.
Yes, see my systems. I'm still running the tube set up. We have only had a few days above 100 so it's not that hot yet.
I have a friend who owns the Pass XS150 and the XA100.5. He used the former last Winter and plans to use the latter again this Summer. At least that is the plan because the XS is much hotter. I'm waiting to hear if he has switched over yet.
In the past, for multiple reasons, I tried cooler SS amps during of the hot summer months. I was rewarded with a much lower air-conditioning bills. That experience made me miss my room heating, 10 tube per channel power hungry amps. I quickly sold the SS amps and resigned myself to extra heat and higher electric bills. On the plus side my thermostat is located adjacent to my listening room, so it's pretty cool in the remainder of the house. FYI: I live in the Great South West Desert, where the Summer temp's reach 115 degrees for weeks at a time.