Arcam P777 or Theta Intrepid

After weighing reviews, price, and designs, I have narrowed some multi-channel amp choices down to these two. I am looking used and spending @2500 tops, thus eliminating an Ayre V-6xe and Bryston 9BSST/SST2, which I was also considering. Also, I have a Bryston 2B-LP right not, and while I love its transients, bass, and control, I have always found it a bit harsh in the mids/uppers and really want to get away from that. I was considering an ATI amp, as well, but read some stuff that they might sound similar (It sucks not being able to listen to all this stuff myself!).

CAP has the Intrepid new for 1500, which seems like a stellar deal and to rank very high on the sound-for-money scale. Unfortunately, I cannot hear it locally and am going solely on reviews and having heard Ayre amps with a similar design (no global feedback and fully balanced). On paper, the Intrepid sounds like a truly hi-end design, perhaps just a little under powered, for a stupidly good price. I haven't heard the P777 either but have do currently have a C31 and CD36. I have heard Arcam amps in the past, only via their integrateds, and thought that they were not their strong suit, but this is obviously a much more powerful choice and dedicated design. I found them warm and nice but just not as detailed or spacious sounding. It also has the power and bi-amping my fronts capability advantage.

I will be running Vandersteen 2 Sigs, a VCC Sig, and VSMs in a 13x13x9 room. I also have a 2W to take some low end load off the 2s. I normally don't listen to movies all that loudly, honestly, and my focus is on music. I wanted to get some comments from people who might have heard both/either. Thanks!
I recently picked up a Theta Intrepid with the intention of using it as a solid state (thus summer friendly) back-up to my primary SET amplifier. I then got a killer deal on a pair of Bohlender Graebner 520DX loudspeakers so now the Intrepid is the amp in my secondary system. The BG Corp speakers are rated at 88dB/2.83v/1m which, I think, are 2 dB more sensitive than the Vandy 2ce Sigs (according to Stereophile reviews). I can play the system quite loudly without feeling that I'm running out of power but I do bi-amp the speakers so I am using 4 channels to drive 1 pair of speakers. I've also experimented with the Intrepid driving a much more efficient power of DIY loudspeakers using Eton/Peerless drivers (like Legacy Focus).

Now, let me express my one reservation about the Intrepid. If you've read the Stereophile review, you are aware that the Intrepid requires a good ground or you may very well experience hum issues. I ran the amp with a power cord without a ground and heard only a bit of hum. It was obvious on quieter passages but not too obtrusive with most music. However, I have found it to be very sensitive to what's in front of it. Initially, I connected it directly to the variable outputs on my Revox tuner to confirm its functionality. Later, when I installed it in my primary system, going from an Upgrade Company modded 3910 universal player into a custom passive volume control using a TKD pot, the amount of hum I experienced was shocking! With the pot fully off or the volume all the way up, there was no hum but, with any other attenuation, the hum level was completely unbearable. I then tried a Parasound Zpre just to see if there would be a problem with an active preamp and there was still hum but to a lesser degree. It was still to much for any kind of critical listening.

Presently, I drive the Intrepid directly from the variable outputs on an OPPO DV-983. I know this is a huge compromise in sound quality but I'll get an Upgrade Co modded OPPO 83SE or 95 as funds permit. With this player, the Intrepid has a lovely top end, delicate but detailed. The mids are clear without any stridency. Midbass is dynamic and punchy but the BG Corp 520DX loudspeakers are prematurely rolled off at 80hz so I can't comment on lower bass. Across the frequency spectrum, the sound is balanced and smooth. Nothing stands out nor offends but the sound is still quite engaging. I'm really looking forward to upgrading the source to hear what the Intrepid is actually capable of. I did run the Upgrade Co 3910 through the passive with the volume pot wide open on a very quietly recorded Anna Caram cd and found the sound to be delicate and transparent with gobs of detail. It really was completely satisfying but that's the only CD I could use for this experiment so, I would highly recommend the Intrepid on sound quality but be prepared to possibly have to work to get it hum free. It is worth the effort though. Good listening!
Thanks for the information. Hmmm, that is a bit concerning that you would have hum with the Parasound. Was it and your source grounded? That could have done it. There is nothing I hate more than trying to track down ground problems. I am moving into a new place in a few months and will be combining my 2-channel and movie systems, at least for a while. Since the new place is a total rehab, I was going to run a dedicated circuit for the amp, but then there is the possibility of a problem from the amp circuit interacting with a different one for my source and projector. The same ground will be shared at the panel, but I guess the length of run difference between the two circuits could cause a very slight difference in grounding potential.

I guess I should also mention Cary Audio. Looks like I could pick up a 7.125 for my price point, as well.
Arcam is a 2-dimensional brand. I sold it for about 8 years. I know the talents/properties well. Theta has some depth in the way they let you hear the stage.
Another multichannel amplifier that sounds amazing is the Balanced Audio Technology designed Integra Research RDA-7. These can be purchased inexpensively as they are no longer manufactured.
Bo, this is the third brand you have mentioned in your posts as being 2 dimensional. You said the same about Denon and Marantz. Onkyo however is OK along with Theta. So I guess these must 3 dimensional. Maybe even 4.

I am curious if dimensionality is a specification or an opinion. If a specification, could you please tell me where i could find these specs? I looked at the Theta Intrepid manual and it gave values for the same specifications listed in the Arcam manual. Sorry, no mention of dimension. I thought I was familar with all the important specs that electronics should have, but this one eludes me. So I am beginning to think that this may be an opinion.

Could you please enlighten me as to what makes one brand 2 dimensional and another multi? I don't want to make the mistake of buying a 2 dimensional brand. BTW, I own Parasound so maybe I already made the mistake.