high power tube amps vs ss

I have always had low efficiancy speakers and had powerfull ss amps to power them. Now I see there are a number of tube amps in the 150 - 200 WPC range. My questions is: is there anything to be gained by switching to these higher power tube amps over ss amps?
Our "average" listening levels are in the same range(I say mine is roughly mid 70s-low 80s db).Al does your amp allow NFB settings other than zero feedback to match different speakers? Although I`ve heard this amp numerous times I don`t know its feature/control options.
Hi Charles,

Yes, the VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk III has a six-position switch for each channel which, according to the manual, allows the amount of feedback to be selected between 0, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5 db (the markings on the panel omit the fractional amounts).

I've been sufficiently happy with the results provided by the 0 db setting, though, that I've never even tried the other positions. If the impedance curve of my speakers were not as flat as it is, however, and if their impedance characteristics were less benign in any other way, I certainly would have felt motivated to experiment with the other settings.

Best regards,
-- Al
I suppose then that the fact that my tube amp, although a simple ultralinear design, has very little feedback and thus sounds crisp and accurate...transient impact and overall tonal accuracy seem spot on so I have no complaints. It doesn't hurt that my mid woofer speakers are very small and light magnesium/aluminum things that don't take much to get going, and the REL sub keeps up fine. I know this news is a relief for those who worry about my having a satisfying hifi rig, and that caring and compassionate wave of real love is palpable. Thanks....really...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Science is not an absolute either. Did the scientists of a thousand years ago believe what the scientists do today? How about a thousand years from now? How is this so and do we know what we are actually measuring? Talk to a physicist. Everything is subjective and always will be. Best, real, accurate, etc. only have meaning between our ears. I prefer to try to think in terms of different and pleasing or not in regards to music. The best ss amps are often described as having tubelike qualities and visa versa. There's that word best again. Says more about the way we think than anything else.