high power tube amps vs ss

I have always had low efficiancy speakers and had powerfull ss amps to power them. Now I see there are a number of tube amps in the 150 - 200 WPC range. My questions is: is there anything to be gained by switching to these higher power tube amps over ss amps?
Very good point. Is it odd ordered harmonic distortion that causes damage within the average spl range we listen at? Will I preserve my hearing ability switching to tubes?
Distortion or not, high volume levels if overdone will damage your ears . Unfortunately many musicians(this includes classical un amplified genre also) suffer significant hearing loss over the years due to excessive SPL environments. Be careful and preserve your precious hearing sense.
My old XA100.5 monoblocks ( 100 watt classA) were superior in drive, control, slamm and dynamics compared to my older heavy Modified Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista-300. This one measured far over 2 times 350 watts ( 8 ohm)
I naturally, and I bet I'm not the only one, tend to turn up the volume until I perceive the "sweet spot". Since odd ordered harmonics are our sound pressure clue, their absence (relative term), with very clean reproduction will tend to promote increased listening levels. It does not sound loud even though it is. My solution, since I listen several hours daily, is to use a sound meter to monitor spls. I'm using a free droid app. Sometimes I even pay attention to it.
Since I have set up my system to be absent of loudness cues, it frees me to set the volume to the level that seems appropriate for what I am listening to. A solo guitar being quieter than a full orchestra for example.

For example, do the harmonic loudness artifacts you describe commonly fall into the frequency ranges depicted that ears are most sensitive to?

The answer to this question is usually 'yes'. The reason is that the amplifier has to work harder to reproduce the lower frequencies. Their harmonics will often show up in the 'birdsong' region.

I can provide a simple test that shows how important this odd ordered thing really is. It can be done with simple equipment and is quantifiable. I've offered it before. If anyone here is interested, just say so.