D-Sonic, Wyred4Sound or NewClear Monoblocks?
Greetings everybody,
I am upgrading my system to a better two channel set up, i am going to add the Wyred4Sound STP-SE preamp...but i am not sure which of these mono blocks could do the best job for it:
D-SONIC M2 600M x 2 $1,950
W4S SX-1000 x 2 $2,400
NewClear CL1000L x 1 (2 monoblocks in one chassis) $ 2,600
Very good reviews on the W4S monos, "Blue Moon award" for the D-Sonic Monos and Best of products from "Tone Audio" for the NewClear...??
Some says that the NewClear is beyond both D-Sonic and Odyssey Kismets, also a possible choice but $4,000
Has anyone tried these choices or compared them, any suggestions?