Chinook vs AR PH5/6

I've got a Manley Chinook home on demo. I like it, but feel like it's resolution may nto be quite what I was hoping for. I would buy the Manley new, but would consider used, and am wondering hw the AR PH5 or PH6 would compare. I have looked through a lot fo posts/reviews, but have not seen this comparison. thnx.
So we'r eeager to know - how is it? How does it compare to anything else you've heard?
I take nothing away from the Chinook...but the Allnic is in another league!!! Very fast, detailed, transparent with tight articulate bass...I'm loving it! Just my first impressions I'm sure it will get better.

Honest...It's worth the extra $800...believe me ;D
No one mentioned the AR PH6. I have it my system and it is quite nice. I haven't compared it against the other two listed above, since I was replacing my AR PH3 at the time. I have heard the AR REF Phono 2 and it is quite another much much higher level. However it costs quite a bit more also. My suggestion is you probably won't go wrong with the phono stages listed above. But, it is in your best interest to demo each of them at your home in your system before you purchase one, take it home and find it isn't quite up to what you want. So, find some dealers, and ask them to take the models home for a in home demo first. Some stores and dealers have no problem doing this, if 1) they are fairly confident that you will do business with them and 2) your credit card is good.

Yes Minor I agree...All components are system dependent therefore try before buy is always best...!