What should I upgrade


I'm putting this here because I'm not sure of where to put it. I have a very modest system.

-NAD C162 pre amp
-Aragon 2004 amp
-Emotiva XDA-1 DAC
-Squeezebox Touch/Sonos pulling files off of an NAS
-Silverline Minuet Supremes
-Rel T3 sub, which I actually rarely use

I really like my system, but am kind of getting an itch to get something different. The speakers are pretty much here to stay for a while. So far, they're the best for me, considering my space/placement limitations.

I think I'm also going to stick with the SBT and Sonos. I really like the convenience of not having to deal with disks. I have grand kids.

So, given what I have for a pre, amp and DAC, what should I upgrade that will probably give me an appreciable improvement?

Guys, I do appreciate the responses. The comments that I got regarding the DAC kind of puts me at ease on that front. I think I just had it stuck in the back of my head that I might be able to get a good bit of an improvement if I replaced my $150 DAC. Yes, I got it when they were trying to clear the isles for the XDA-2 and feel like I just about got it for free.

After having gotten the XDA-1, I did compare it to quite a few other, more expensive, DACs and wound up keeping the XDA-1.

As far as the Minuets go, I won't try to say that they are the best speakers in the world, because they do have their limitations; but they truly are small marvels. They've sounded the best in my system/set up and I've tried up to $2K a pair speakers.

I haven't tried high passing the minuets. My pre doesn't have a sub out; and besides, my sub is a REL and I run it using the Nutrik connector on the high end.

I've gotta say, though, I've been running the Minuets full range and they've taken all that I've thrown at them. These little things go pretty deep for what they are and they do it cleanly.

I'm also sort of glad that no one had anything bad to say about my prehistoric Aragon amp. I think it's a pretty nice amp.

The preamp is what I was thinking that I might upgrade; and as luck would have it, I started getting what sounds like static out of the right speaker. After a bit of diagnosis, it looks like it's the pre amp. I guess I'll start looking for a tube pre and get ready to take the NAD to the doc.

I still say get a tube integrated amp, you will get more bang for the buck, which is especially important on the lower end of the money scale. At your price level (NAD, Aragon), an integrated amp would make the most sense. Do not dismiss integrated amps, I have heard a $6500 integrated amp outperform $20,000 separates.

I don't know anything about your DAC, but your speakers are good bang for the buck. Couple them with a tube integrated amp and you'll have a very nice little rig.
How much power would I need in a tubed integrated? I know that part of the hype regarding the Minuets is that they can be run on a low powered tube amp, but they really come into their own with some power behind them.

What aspects of the sound or features otherwise are you looking to improve?

DOn't know how to suggest anything without knowing your goals first. "Improvement" means something different to everyone unfortunately.