The right amplifier for Quad 12L Classic

Hello, I plan to get myself a quad 12L Classic. Now I don't know which amplifier to get. I have so far audiotioned and liked quite a few amplifiers, the most satisfying being the Exposure 2010. Would this amplifier pair up well with the Quad 12L Classic? The power rating for this amplifier is around 85W. Would quad 12l2 demand more power than what exposure 2010 offers? Iam also ok about getting a quad 11L Classic or the bigger 22L2 if that would give me what I want. I listen to jazz, vocals, classical.
I was very happy with Quad 21L and Naim 5l-2 integrated in medium/small room.
Dear Doggiehouser, you dont think 22l2 would be two large for an exposure 2010 to drive?

Thanks a ton for your feedback...
How big is the room the speakers will be used in is an important bit of info if you are looking at the 22L as well as the 11L. That being said, I have owned the 11L, 12L and 21L and in an 11X13X8 room the 12Ls were my favorites. They had the best overall tone IMHO. The 21L was a close competitor.
No idea how the Exposure would match but quality watts matter more than "higher numbers" per se.