NCore vs. Ice -- single or separate cases

Hey guys,

I've recently gotten a bug that I can't shake. I went to sleep thinking about it last night.

I want to try out a class D amp.

I've narrowed my choices down to something based on either the NCore NC400 or the IcePower 125asx2.

If I went the way of the NC400, I'll be building them myself. If I went the way of the Ice, I may build it myself or just buy the assembled units. Either way, the NC400 builds will run about twice that of the Ice builds.

Is there anyone out there that can comment on which is better? If the answer is that the NC400 is better, is it worth twice the price?

My next question is whether I should build the mono units into separate boxes or a single box? In other words, is it better to use a longer interconnect with a short speaker cable or vice versa?

Amplifiers based on NC400 modules are very, very good. I don't mean good for $2000, I mean good for $5000.

I don't know what your priorities are, but if the most pertinent question is whether they're worth the money, the answer is yes. In fact, they are a bargain for the money.

If you want to save on the build, get two modules, two power supplies, and a single chassis built for dual mono. Put both modules and supplies in the same chassis and that should cut down the cost.
I can only echo what Wilsynet has said.... A statement in the general form "Ncore is very good for a class D amp" represents a total misrepresentation of Ncore performance.... Ncore tecnology delivers great music in the absolute, to any lover of good sound who is able to overcome obsolete "class consciousness".
OK, so if I understand what you guys are saying, you're saying that the NC400 (just thrown into a box) competes favorably against other high quality amplifiers. Not just other class D amps. Is that correct?

So, if I was to trade my Aragon 2004 for an NC400 build, it should be a step forward.

Believe me, I have no problems with class consciousness. I just want nice sounding music and don't care how I get there.

As for my budget, I can get the NC400s. I just didn't want to spend the money if I didn't need too. I'm more of a bang for the buck kind of guy. I like NAD and Emotiva, if that gives you an idea.

I've just grown tired of dealing with my system as it is. This amp I have is around 30 years old. I just want to get something that is state of the art and fits more comfortably into my system, so that I can rest easy for a while.

Thanks, guys.
Oh, last question. Why is it necessary to use two power supplies? My research indicates that one provides more than enough power for two NC400s.

I'm asking because if two power supplies are necessary, I'm going to go ahead and put them into separate cases. The cases are under $100 and a drop in the bucket at this point.