Recommendations for a "summer" amp?

Living in a hot southern climate I'm considering acquiring a 2nd amplifier for summertime use as a backup to my Pass Labs amp which runs quite warm. Solid state, cool-running, fairly recent vintage (don't want to invest in service) with a used price somewhere below $800. I had a good candidate in storage but I gave it to my brother so I need some recommendations. My system is comprised of an ARC tube pre and B&W Matrix 800 series speakers.
I used to have a high current amp in a sort of closet shelf space and I wired in a small fan to power up with the amp...problem solved.
Ron, we have a/c in hot climates and don't like adding extra heat to a room for the a/c unit to combat. It's 106 today and my house is set for 79 when I get home. I'm toughing it out so far this year with the tube amp.

The plasma tv is really noticeable in the summer as well. In the winter, I can run the tv through the tube amp all day long and don't even notice. Summer time, I am well aware of the heat pouring forth.
No one should apologize for not wanting to run an AC unit just to listen to some music comfortably.
Hey Rrog, that new invention makes a fair amount of background noise, particularly when running a hot amp and television in a closed room, which is why it's best to keep the heat down.

Try it some time - you'll see.