Tube Mono-Block Recommendation

Currently I have the Bob Carver 305, Looking to upgrade to something else in the Class A Region. Budget is around 12000 US, New or Used any recommendation.

I like the Amps, to be fast, Accurate and musical as possible. Giving me close to Transistor Amp Clarity but with the magic off tubes.
Yes I understand this. I would love to see the amps guts. Cant find pictures anywhere on the net.
Beautiful, Rushton if you don't mind me asking what speakers do you use for the Amps? How about Cables?
I drive Avalon Acoustic Eidolons with the MA-2s. Power cords for the amps are Silent Source Signature cables. Speaker cables are Omega Micro Planar V, but I'd use Silent Source Music Reference speaker cables today. These are the most neutral I've heard.