Tube Mono-Block Recommendation

Currently I have the Bob Carver 305, Looking to upgrade to something else in the Class A Region. Budget is around 12000 US, New or Used any recommendation.

I like the Amps, to be fast, Accurate and musical as possible. Giving me close to Transistor Amp Clarity but with the magic off tubes.
Im raised it further more lol. 12000 was the ideas but guess I will go for the full whack. After all we only live once.
I also think Atmasphere's ma2 should be considered and examined very closely;they will do everything you are looking for and being able to talk directly with Ralph in case there are setup questions or any post sales support is a very large positive in my opinion and must not be overlooked.
Not heard art audio, but to be honest im into very fast amplifiers. Most tube amplifiers I have heard always have the slight slow pace to them. Timing is everything and transistors are the masters at time.

Lets see how the MA2 lives up to my Transistors.