New tubes or new preamp?

I have an ARC LS15, and am considering either a set of NOS Amperex tubes, or selling it and getting a new preamp, such as an ARC LS27, or a Modwright LS 38.5.
As I'm unable to compare , what would you advise?.Will NOS tubes give me a preamp that compares with todays current ones, or is it a waste of money?
Dump the ARC pre and get one that is more lively. I just went through this with a ARC SP-9 MarkIII. A pre-amp change absolutely transformed my system.
Jallen that was very dismissive, listen to what the OP wants. ARC gear is "High Definition" to some this accuracy is what it is all about to others not so much. There is room in this world for more than one preference. I went to great lengths to illustrate that tubes don't allways change the sound.
"07-01-13: Brrgrr
Russ69, What did you get to replace it?"

I'm embarrassed to say that I put a NAD C162 pre-amp into this system (not my main system). It's my back-up pre-amp. The NAD is full sounding with good bass. It kind of funny because I have a Mac MC402 amp in this system (my most expensive component). Anyway, I have had the AR pre-amp in and out of many systems and it is very detailed but in the wrong system it just doesn't have any bounce. You system sounds like it has the same problem. Maybe you can borrow another pre-amp and see if that does the trick.
"I put a NAD C162 pre-amp into this system (not my main system). It's my back-up pre-amp. The NAD is full sounding with good bass."

Did you leave the SP-9MKIII powered on all the time? If you did not leave it powered on you never heard it. So now you think the OP should dump his Audio Research preamp and get an NAD?

BTW, AR is Acoustic Research.