Gallo SA3 amp

I have a pair of Gallo 3.1 speakers. The bass reproduction is adequate. I do not use their amp (SA3). They say for best bass reproduction use their amp. I can't afford shelling out $700. Is there another amp in the $250 price range I can sub?
I have a Crowson stereo amp with an LPF that is designed for their shakers/tactile transducers but they aren't that cheap either. $700 for the Gallo unit IMHO isn't too expensive for something designed specifically for it.

The other option I can think of is the Earthquake shaker amp (about 400 bucks?)
I understand what you're saying about the $700. But some of us are married to a women that would be happy with a $500 of the rack surround system. She thinks my system is fine and I'm battling with her to get anything to upgrade my system.
You need to be able to apply some bass management. Perhaps another option (out of the box) is to use an Emotiva preamp with sub out (and use a regular power amp to drive the second coil.