Integrates That Go Well With Totem Forest

Hi Guys
Bit of a dilemma on my part. Went ahead and purchased a pair of Totem Forest thinking that my Primaluna Prologue Two would be able to handle the Forest. I was partially right but the speakers deserve better. I would appreciate any help from Forest owners, my budget is $1500-2000 for a new integrated. Any suggestions?
Well I thought I would give you all an update. After much research and recommendations I took the plunge and went for a Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 and now without any shadow of a doubt I can say that this is one of those matches made in Audio Heaven. I knew that the Totem Forest was a great speaker, and that according to every single article I have come across needs lots of clean power to come alive. The way the Wyred 4 Sound controls the Forest is nothing short of mind blowing, the bass is so well controlled fast and tight it's like nothing I have heard up to now. The room fills with sound at 30 db out of 90, midrange is fantastic and the highs I'm sure will improve with another 100 hours sounding a little harsh at times right now, but I guess that can be attributed to the Amp not been fully broken in. This is a great product and I'm sure it will stay with me quite a long while.
I just picked up a pair of totem forests and started my first system. If you like tube amps and prefer clean clarity over power, I am currently running a little Cary sli-80 amp. It is 40 watts Triode pure class A and a power full 80Watts Ultra liner AB to drive them in any room! I have personally talked with Vince Bruzzese about low powered tube amps in triode mode (40watts). He said 40 Watts triode is more like 60-70 watts Ultra-liner but cleaner. Even his brother is running a single ended 20watt tube amp with his element Metal speaker," and he said the little cary was a great match for the forests. The one thing he suggested was to try a different power cord and interconnects which a have not even got yet. I do prefer triode over ultra liner mode which the forests Shine in. Also they drive and fill my parents 800ft square living room/kitchen in triode really well, and give great bass like a sub if mass loaded. Though Ultra liner sounds good and give you that extra boost during party's. Also with any amp these speakers should be bi-wired! I use 15ft pairs of kimber 12tc and the bass throw on Tin Pan alley and Taking it to the streets just shocks you! I have not tried any interconnects or a power cables yet. But they should enhance the sound. I think though trial and experimentation with other components and room acoustics play a big role in matching these speakers.