Pass labs XA60.5 anything wrong with them.

These amps, more often than other (pass lab amps) appear in the used market, from what I have observed.

I am considering getting one for my system (after listening of course). Moving up from an integrated, but as a noob, wondering why so many are in the used market.
Bo, I hear all the properties on your list with my Transparent Audio Ref XL cables. Transparents are individually matched to components and I've found them to be an excellent match with Pass Labs electronics.
The difference between Audioquest and Transparent is that the speed and blacks are better compared to Transparent. I heard there new cables at a show this year. I did not hear the level in blacks what the Audioquest can do. My new Redwood 2013 is even superior in speed compared to my old Valhalla. Attack in the low freq. are extreemly short.
Bo1972: Thanks for the detailed reply to my post. Much appreciated, and I'll make a note of it. Neotechs have UP-OCC copper (very pure) and UP-OCC silver (also very pure.) They are very high quality, and they're the OEM for more than a few cable companies. They're not real cheap, but they are excellent, as far as I know. However, if they don't interface well with Pass Labs/First Watt, then there's no point in me buying them, you know?
I Always say to clients; take your time and compare. I do the same ( a lot) so they should do the same. You only can spent your money once.
Bo, Was the system at that show identical to your system? If not, how can you be sure that what you heard is attributable to the cables? Power quality, electronic circuits etc all contribute to noise floor and level of blacks.

I can't make such a definitive statement as I've never heard the Audioquests in my system. I have heard various models at shows in completely unfamiliar settings and would not venture to attribute sonic qualities to them.

I'm just saying that I think Transparent and Pass work well together and in my system, I hear what you are describing as the strengths of Audioquest cables.