emotiva mono block amps any good?

interested in sound quality of emotiva mono block amps.
How about the XPA-1s on ebay right now for $1200 shipped? From an apparently reputable dealer.
If you needed an amp with lots of headroom and testicular fortitude, all of the flea-powered examples above would be woefully inadequate.

All of you trotted out the familiar names of the usual high-end suspects. Come on, a 50 wpc Plinius stereo amp?? Get real. 60 wpc Rowland? Laughable.

Compare apples to apples and find me a used pair of 500 wpc monoblocs for $1600 that would be better.
I thought I did, when I mentioned the used XPA-1s for $1200, shipped.

I also appears that I am wrong when I assumed above that watts do not equal quality. Apparently, you believe that it does.

Apparently, I stepped on someone's toes.

So, Mitch, have YOU heard the XPA-1s. Do you own them? Perhaps some comments about the sound quality that they produce would lend some credibility to your argument.
Tony the used 50 watt Plinius is $1500. A new 50 watt Emotiva amp is $189. Sure the used class A Plinius amp is better...at ten times the price. I have speakers at home that will make the $1500 Plinius and Rowland amps you mentioned cry for their mama.

Just compare apples to apples.

Don't compare a 50 watt stereo amp to a pair of 500 watt monoblock amps...they are two totally different applications. With a hard to drive speaker, the 50 watt amp is going to run out of steam...period. Go find a used amp from one of names that you mentioned with some serious muscle, and you'll find that your price just went through the roof.

I own two pair of Pass Labs X-600 monoblocs with similar specs as the Emotiva monoblocs mentioned here. No way on earth you will find them near $1600 a pair used. More like $6k-$8k per pair used.

I have not heard the XPA-1's, nor have I heard any of Emotiva's amps. But, you name me a pair of used big name high powered monoblocs for $1600 that can drive my Infinity Kappa 9 speakers. You won't find it...I've already looked. Those speakers will vaporize all the ones you've mentioned above.