Do I have a "balance" problem?

My system is in a dedicated room, 13 x 12.5 x 8.5, with one chair centered between the speakers. The speakers are several feet away from the front and side walls. I've treated the room, including absorption panels to deal with first reflections. Here's my issue: to get proper L/R imaging, I have to set the balance control in favor of the right channel somewhere between (depending on the recording) 1:00 and 2:30 on the dial. My system has always been this way and the issue is consistent with both LP and CD playback. I recently auditioned three line stages and each one required the balance control set to the right. By way of "troubleshooting," I've switched tubes, cleaned all contacts, and systematically switched L/R cables on each pair of interconnects one at a time. Nothing changes. There is no degradation of sound in the right channel (at least to my ears) and when the balance is set properly the music sounds great. But I just don't understand why the balance control needs to be set so far to the right. Does anyone else out there have a similar situation? Is there something "wrong" with my system? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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Also, many recordings have poor balance with the lead vocals and they are "left shifted." So make sure you're using a test CD with a true center image (e.g., the stereophile test CD series) when you're working on the problem.

I'd love to hear from some recording industry expert on why this is the case, as I don't know (maybe it's because the left channel is more important to drivers in vehicles?). I hear it a lot in my system and periodically have to go back to the test CD to reconfirm what I already knew, that the system is set up properly. When I'm listening I am periodically tempted to shift the balance by 1 or 2 db towards the right to "fix" the image center, but if I'm listening very carefully, I've found that this usually smears the image and hurts the sound quality. I've just slowly worked on giving up my obsession with having the vocals come out of the dead center...
Forgot to mention what Cal brought up. I find better and fuller sound with balance set to the middle as well. Big trade off to get a center image. Hoping the room treatment stuff snaps everything into focus.
Cal3713, I seriously thought it was just me this whole time! I too notice that vocals are ever so slightly shifted left of center in my system. Its a minor annoyance but it does take my attention away from enjoying the music.
Just suggesting, but would a volt meter reading at the amps binding post determine the accuracy of the amps output. If it is the same, great, if not, then that could be a problem.
Wow. I didn't expect this post to engender so many responses. I don't have the problem with headphone listening, so I'm going to rule out a hearing deficiency. My room does have two completely different materials in the side walls -- left (facing the speakers) is a wood cabinet with records/CD's and right is a floor to ceiling glass window. I can see how, even though I've treated for first reflections and other reflections on the front and back walls, those two different side walls could create the issue acoustically. I've ordered a laser measuring tool from Amazon and will use that to play with speaker placement/toe-in, but I'm not going to pull out (what little is left of) my hair to get the image dead center without having to adjust the balance. I feel better knowing that I'm not alone, and as a wise poster said here, "that's what balance controls are for." Thanks again for responding.