What should I upgrade first amp or preamp?

I need your help. I have OPPO BDP-105 connected to PASS Labs XP-10 and XA-30.5 driving 89 dB at 4 Ohm Snell C7. Looking to upgrade my system and planning to spend $ 3000-4000. I live in the apartment building and unfortunately can't listen to music very loud (no more than 58-62 on the XP-10 display).
What would you suggest to do, upgrade preamp to XP-20 first or amp to two XA-60.5 or to XA-100.5 and why. Upgrading an amp is more problematic due to the space constrains.
What will I gain and what should be the difference in sound in each of those cases?
Thank you.
Re the suggestion of the VTSP-3a, by just about all accounts Herron equipment is wonderful, but it is probably not an optimal choice for this application because AFAIK all Herron products are unbalanced RCA only.

-- Al

I do not mean to steal the OP's thread, but why is the Modwright mod so superior to the factory Oppo 105? What does the $2400 uograde give you that you can hear?

I read all the raves about Modwright Oppo's but never in the context of how it sounds different/better to the factory Oppo 105.
I have an Ayre C5 and it is excellent, however, I think the amp and pre should be bought together. If your budget doesn't permit that now, I would listen to earphones until the budget works.
While the XA30.5 probably has all the power you need, my Pass dealer had told me that in the XA series, more so than the X series, the overall sound quality improves more each step up the line.
on the other hand, the move from the XP10 to the superb XP20 is both a significant step up and much less costly than moving up the amp line...