Octave Audio integrated amplifiers

Looking for feedback from anyone that's using Octave Audio integrated amps in their system. I'm interested in the V40 SE and the V70 SE but cannot find a lot of thoughts/comments on these.

Thanks in advance.
Ah Mick from Quintessance Audio. I bought my Rel B3 from him. Good guy. Not too far from the Edens expressway off Dempster st. Funny I almost bout some Sonus Faber Cremora M auditors from him but decided on Dynaudio C1's. Later he picked up the Dyn line and Focal. After I bought my Octave V70SE he picked up the Octave line. Mick has a fine brick and mortar store where NextLevelav is by appt only and works out of his home.
How is your new integrated amp of V110? what is the tube now using with this? Understand that you are using Subwoofer with this amp, is it for stereo mode? if yes, any specific reason. Why am asking becoz am interested to purchase this amp. Currently I owned pass amp but is not enough power to drive my Dynaudio speakers. My other equipment's are Dyanudio crafft speakers, modwright oppo player and siltech silver cables. The room size s 10x14 (in feets). I listen jazz and blues. There is no dealer available in my region to take demo. Appreciated your detailed recommendation. Thanks.
Rabbani - The V110 is a modified V70se to add a higher (switchable) plate voltage to the output tubes. I've had the V40 - V70se and V110 in my home. With each step up you get a little more 'control' of the music. The V80 is a different beast. It has much better transformers and uses a lower gain input and driver/inverter tubes. I have not had the V80 in my home.

Octave is great match for Dynaudio's. But I will say the TS KT120 tube is a disappointment at least for me. Too bright in the highs and a little too forward in the mids (after break in). Put warmer or more laid back input and driver tubes and the KT120 sounds better to me.

To me the V70se and the V110 are very similar with more control going to the V110. Agsin the V110 does have a switch on the back in case you want to run KT88's or 6550's.