Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
I'll be patient, Charles. No knee jerk reactions, just giving my first thoughts.
The amp is very quiet and the sound is grain free,which is a good think.

After all these years I know it will get better, just wanted to know how much better.
Joe ,
Believe me I understand.I thought the Franks were"good" right off the UPS truck and they just kept improving with time.Your First Watt J2 amp is a different sound but makes a very good reference point.I moved from a 100 watt push pull tube amp, again diferent sound for sure.
Best of Luck,
One thing I have been doing lately is using the 16 ohm tap instead of the 8 ohm tap, my speakers are 8 ohm. Changed the sound quite significantly. Much more separation. I'm not saying it's better but definitely work trying. Israel Blume says it has no detrimental effect on the Franks.

Speaker tap preference is trial and error, you don't know until you try. My choice is the 16 ohm tap (more open, spacious and dynamic). My speakers are a 14 ohm load so that likely explains my results
Ok, with more hours logged in the amp is starting to open up nicely! First off they drive the speakers with plenty of power. They are dynamic, fast, transparent, and extended at both ends. No warm fuzzy rolled of sound here. Tonal balance is very good.

The EML XLS are very extended and linear, hopefully they will get a little warmer with more hours on them.

The amps still need some more time, but are improving steadily. The midrange hasn't yet fully developed that palpable presence I'm looking for. I'm sure once the amps are fully broken in and some tube rolling in my preamp,I'll get there.

Did anybody try different 6em7 and 5u4g tubes? My amps came with Raytheon 6em7's and RCA 5u4gb tubes. The RCA's were structured a little different from each other. One was taller and had a side getter the other was shorter and had a top getter. I put in my taller black plate straight glass 5u4gb tubes and got a little better focus and the highs became airier.