Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
Hi Joe,
I'm glad you remained patient and allowed the Frankenstein to burn-in and
evolve as it naturally does. Those custom transformers really need time to
open up and demonstrate what they're capable of. Your overall impression
is identical to mine in that the key terms used to describe what you hear are
"natural", realism, presence and organic.

The news gets better as your Franks are going to improve further regarding
opening up , nuance, dynamics at all levels and become even more organic
and effortless in presentation.
I was very interested in your response to the Frankenstein in that your
reference was a First Watt amplifier (exceptional amp) and I knew there'd
be a different sound/presentation. The question would be which do you
prefer and which one connects/involves you more emotionally to your
music. The Frankenstein is truly a superb SET 300b amp and I'm happy to
read it worked out very well for you. You can't predict what someone else
may like regardless of how much joy a component has given you. You
have to listen and judge for yourself.
Curious, what is the ohm load of your speakers and are you using the 8 or the 16 ohm tap?
I tried both and preferred the 16 ohm tap (each requires some breah in) this will obviously vary depending on the speakers in use.
Did you audition the Decware Tori amp in your system?
My speakers are 16 ohms. I'm using the 16 ohm taps.
I first ordered the Decware, but cancelled the order for the Franks.

People who have them love them, personally I haven't heard them. FYI
Decware is coming out with a Torii IV.
That's understandable, my speaker is a 14 ohm load. The sound is very good with the 8 ohm tap but becomes even more dynamic,alive, engaging and dimensional when connected to the 16 ohm tap. The sense of ease and flow are increased.
What were the main differences you noticed or had to accommodate /
adjust to between the First Watt(25watt SS) and the Frankenstein amplifiers
(8 watt tube) if any ? Very different designs that I find interesting.