Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
I just received my Takatsuki TA-300b tubes. They sound very nice right out of the box. How many hours before they really shine?

I also bought the star sound tech. apprentice stands. They added clarity and good separation especially in the treble, but I lost some tonal density. They did improve after a week, but I'll give Robert a call. I think you can adjust the sound loosening or tightening the cones.
Sonpro, my good friend just bought the TA-300B tubes. They sounded good out of the box, but took 150 hours before they sounded incredible. You are in for a treat.
Hi Joe,
Congratulations! I have owned the Takatsuki-TAs for 2 years and loved
them immediately with my first listening encounter. I'd agree with Brf in
that by 120-150 hours they'll be fully burned in. You can genuinely enjoy
them during this process, as the sound just continues to mature and
improve. I happily rotate these Japanese gems with my EML XLS and AVVT
32b tubes. The Frankenstein MK II sings with all three of them.

Joe a subtle adjustment with your Apprentice stands may be
advantageous. In my system they increased transparency, clarity and
openness yet tone and body remained full and harmonically rich. Biggest
impact occurred with the speakers.
Snopro, the location of the Star Sound Audio Points under the component can make a great difference. If possible get one directly under the ac transformer.