Which OPPO?

Might be time to upgrade my years old Sony blu ray. We watch one or two movies weekly and lately, the Sony completely freezes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours into a movie, needing a complete reboot (pulling the plug) to restart and then click to where we left off....aggravating!

Been thinking about an Oppo for a while, but how much better are the latest ones as opposed to the 103 which can be had for around $500. It will be hooked to plasma tv, Sonus Faber Toy Towers, Nad 326 BEE integrated amp. It will rarely be used for just playing music, tv and movies only. Is there any need to move to the new 105 at more than twice the cost?

Thanks in advance for your input.
That is an interesting question! What blu ray player does the best job of down mixing the multichannel track into two channel stereo... while keeping the voice image proper!

You probably also want a blue ray player that will give you top notch streaming features through wifi or Ethernet. (IE a menu system that you can tolerate to surf etc.)

My understanding is that the dual dacs of the 105 are only used when you feed it two channel stereo content.... so the 103 would be the most you would need. Is the 103 overkill in your situation... another good question..

should be an interesting thread (lots of family have the same needs)
Thanks for the comments!
We also do have an apple tv hooked to this if we want to stream some music or netflixs as well.
Happy to hear that the 103 would be just fine!