Need multi-channel that's great on 2 channel

I'm looking for a multi-channel receiver that's GREAT for two-channel listening. I'm thinking of upgrading what I have, given the space I have to play with. Most of the time I listen to music, not watch movies.

Arcam's AVR600 keeps getting mentioned; are there others that are very good musically?

Any input would be most welcome,
Good luck with that search Jeff. I tried for several years to find a high end SSP that sounded great with music, until I finally gave up and bought a stereo preamp with a HT throughput.
I'm with Jmcgrogan2. I gave up and now use a mid level receiver for movies and multichannel music, and a Modwright pre-amp with HT pass through. The cost of a top shelf receiver to match what I have is prohibitive for me, the processing for room analysis is frequently upgraded and improving, and I spent my money on the front speakers and amps since I am 90% music/ 10% movies and DVD-A and SACD. Onkyo makes very reliable units at all price ranges and include the best current iterations of room correction, ease of use, and amplification good enough for surround.
Thanks for your responses; most helpful; I've been reading this forum, and this seems to be a recurring theme.
I currently own a Marantz SR7005, which I bi-amp my front B&W805's. For the money, the Marantz has been very good with my source components...Arcam Alpha 9 CD, Arcam MCD Multi disc changer, and a Marantz UD7006 SACD/BD.

So why change?

Well, basically I'm a two-channel guy; in my closet, just back from a trip to an Arcam authorized service vintage Alpha 9 integrated and power amps...all tuned-up and ready to come back into service. In order to do that, I need to reconfigure my living area to fit in a second system...; before I jump through that hoop....I just wanted to check out my options.

That's the deal; anyone else, feel free to jump in,
frankly, i think you'll get more significant improvement by adding an power amp to your marantz (which is a well-regarded piece) than by replacing it with another avr (should be cheaper, too).