Per Bo...
"It is that simple! In the world of audio most amps are in the 2-dimensional league."
"That is why I do not sell 2-dimensional audio anymore."
There you have it Salmoni. All you gotta do is look for the specification in the manufacturers brochure that says dimensionality and stay away from those that are rated as 2 Dimension. Just choose an amp that is rated as 3 Dimension or even Multi-Dimension and you'll be OK. I believe you'll find this spec right under the spec that gives the amount of magic pixie dust sprinkled on the circuit boards expressed in milligrams.
"It is that simple! In the world of audio most amps are in the 2-dimensional league."
"That is why I do not sell 2-dimensional audio anymore."
There you have it Salmoni. All you gotta do is look for the specification in the manufacturers brochure that says dimensionality and stay away from those that are rated as 2 Dimension. Just choose an amp that is rated as 3 Dimension or even Multi-Dimension and you'll be OK. I believe you'll find this spec right under the spec that gives the amount of magic pixie dust sprinkled on the circuit boards expressed in milligrams.