Yeeeeaaaah,..I think we should just go around to all the local movie theaters and try to convince these companies that own them to throw out all their otherwise ineffective and crappy horn loudspeaker systems, and switch over to using Magnapans, B&W 801's, and Thiels instead! ..YEAH, NO! WWHAT A CRAPPY MOVIE EXPERIENCE THAT WOULD BE!!!
Im in the business since '96, fer now 17 years, and have worked in more AV stores, hi-end salons, and done more custom than most ever will (sold most every kind of ultra hi-end and midfi gear known to man, too, at one point)...and I'm here to tell you that your super deep holographic audiophile grade consumer loudspeakers and amp combo's WILL NOT REPLACE AN EFFECTIVELY WELL ENGINEERED HOME THEATER SYSTEM SETUP, FOR BEING EFFECTIVE AT REPRODUCING MOVIES!!!..period (But don't take my word for it...just take note of what all the highly regarded AV magazine reviewers use in their reference HT movies systems, and you'll quickly see speakers and electronics that ARE NOT super ESSOTERIC, DELICATE sounding, ULTIMATE AIR, SUPER HOLOGRAPHIC, AND UBER-WIDE SOUNDSTAGING AUDIOPHILE 2 CHANEL GEAR AND LOUDSPEAKRS, IN THEIR MULTICH HT SYSTEMS!!! - you do the math).
Again, THX spent decades and millions of dollars in R&D, perfecting what kind of equipment and setup would best reproduce the cinematic experience, and in the home. So who you gunna believe? Someone who's simply listened to different gear, or an industry that's won major awards, Oscars, and accolaids for it's accomplishments?
No brainer really.
btw, "A GOOD SPEAKER IS NOT A GOOD SPEAKER!"..just because someone else happens to think that it's a good speaker, for their limited application, taste or experience.