Emotiva XPA-5 vs. Parasound A51?

I can get a brand new Emotiva XPA-5 for $850, OR, I can get a used Parasound A51 (without warranty) for $2,200.

Without listening to these amps, I am having a very hard time justifying paying almost 3x more for the used Parasound that just offers 50 watts of additional power per channel, which I frankly don't think I need.

Powering B&W 804s as the main speakers. Upgrading to a B&W center channel, and thinking about using Emotiva for the in-ceiling surrounds.

Will spend time 50/50 for music / movies.

I've never used either one myself. In your case, it seems like a no brainer to try the Emotiva. If you like it, problem solved. If not, you send it back within 30 days. I typically wouldn't say something like this, but you really have little to lose.
Yep, Zydo is right - make use of Emo's 30 day trial period. I'm betting you will not send it back...

Having heard both amps in more than a few systems I'll tell you why it is not a 'no-brainer' (shouldn't we, at least have experienced/listened to the amps before declaring it a no-brainer?) The XPA is a good value, has plenty of power for demanding speakers where it comes up short is in the mid range and up detail and dynamics.
The Parasound is one of the best 5 channel amps I have ever heard, it does so many things right. You won't be disappointed with the Parasound and it has great resale value.
Forget about the 50 watts, they will both drive your speakers with authority.

If you don't like the Parasound you can easily sell it for what you paid. You'll take a bigger hit with the Emotiva.
That said I would never buy an amp without hearing it with my speakers.

I agree with much of what you said. I'm basically saying he can demo the Emo, with no financial risk. That IS his chance to hear it. In my mind, I expect the Parasound to be a better amp. Is it nearly 3 times the price, with no warranty better? Only he can decide that.

The price difference is considerable. The fact that he is even asking about the Emo, tells me it's most likely at least a small concern. If it wasn't, it probably wouldn't be on his list.

He may very well be able to sell the Parasound with no loss. Maybe not too. You could sit on it for weeks or months. There is no "hit" on sending the Emo back. (shipping I guess) I was simply pointing out that it is a bargain (price wise) and he can get out of it for sure, if he wants to. Hence, "no brainer"
What Zenblaster said +1. IME, The differences will be audible on the 804's, more so with well recorded music than for movies.

If we knew what amp you are using now we would have a better idea of what quality level you are currently at. Also what, if anything, are you trying to improve upon?