Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?

Does anyone know if the Proceed AVP will process linear pcm input? Namely, if I have a PS/3 decode the HD/Master Audio tracks, send them down the HDMI cable to a splitter/ssp which sends the audio output to coax/toslink to the AVP, can the AVP process the signal?

If the AVP can do, I'm sure the AVP2 can as well.

Thank you,

The Classe and Bryston would be fantastic of course, but out of my price range right now, sadly.

So - resetting my expectations then, I'm either looking at staying with my current rig or move to something like say an AVP2 or SSP600 and add a HDMI switch which sends the audio out to the PrePro. This way I get the DD/DTS core tracks for BluRay audio and otherwise my system is tops for audio. The only thing I'd be missing is the DD HD/DTS-MA. This seems very reasonable to me.

My current TV is a 1080i 42" Sony which is now 8 years old. What that dies there is no telling which way I'd go - 3D, 4K. So having the video switching external to the audio would be a benefit as I could change out the HDMI switch cheaper than the SSP.

Clearly, I have no problem with non-current equipment as long as it sounds and performs outstandingly.

Funny thing about HDMI issues - I have none with my setup: Rotel RSP-1069, PS/3, comcast box, apple tv and marantz dvd to Sony TV. The more I have been reading about issues with ssp's, I realize just how lucky I have been with zero problems.

db - where do you live? AZ by chance? There is a "db" I'm familiar with who lives there...

We live in Montecito, a small town adjacent to Santa Barbara, CA.

When I was planning to replace the PAV/PDSD in my main setup, HDMI was most in my thinking. Now I could do without it entirely. The analog of an Oppo 105 into a vintage device that acts as a switch and passes through sound cleanly is all I need. If it weren't for the phono stage, I might go directly from the Oppo to the Proceed HPA 2 & 3 monsters, because the 105 has digital inputs, including HDMI, and is doing all the processing. The Cary does convert RCA to XLR, which for me is a plus because the amps sit between the speakers, distant from the sources.

Do you really need an HDMI swithch? I believe many cable boxes and Blu Ray players will send audio/video out of the HDMI and audio out the S/PDIF at the same time. Just something to check.
DB -
A different DB. :)

Oh now you are talking my language about a quality vintage device, but you have one with multi-channel input. IF I were to consider the PAV/PDSD route, do you have any advice/gotchas to watch out for?

I probably could cable up and avoid the need for a switch:
- eliminate the Marantz DVD
- apple TV
- uses the one HDMI on the TV
- optical to the PrePro
- PS/3
- component to the TV
- optical to the PrePro
- Cable Box
- component to the TV (Do I have 2 components...gotta look)
- coax to the PrePro

I already have a Logitech Harmony, so I'm not worried about making this work for the Mrs. :)

This solution above would eliminate a AVP2 - it only has 1 optical input.

Just thinking out loud here...thanks for listening/reading.

My PAV/PDSD pair has been trouble free for well over a decade. It does not process lossless codecs, but does 5.1 surround with excellent sound and bass management. If you can take HDMI video to your monitor/TV, I'd use that rather than component video.
