Will a Proceed AMP handle LPCM input?

Does anyone know if the Proceed AVP will process linear pcm input? Namely, if I have a PS/3 decode the HD/Master Audio tracks, send them down the HDMI cable to a splitter/ssp which sends the audio output to coax/toslink to the AVP, can the AVP process the signal?

If the AVP can do, I'm sure the AVP2 can as well.

Thank you,
Do you feel there is a difference between the pass through and a signal coming from the PAV? When a signal comes from the PAV is is it kept analog? I would think that it would be kept analog just like the multichannel inputs are. I think that is the cool thing about the PAV/pdsd is that all analog stays analog and
Only digital sources are dealt with in the digital domain.

Sorry for the iPhone accidental premature first post. :-)
I connected the balanced output of an Oppo 95 to the PAV, and set the output of SACD to DSD in the Oppo menu. It sounded bad. Then it occurred to me that the PAV preceded DSD. I reset the SACD output to PCM, and superb sound returned. I suspect DSD would be fine from the Oppo to the PDSD pass-through, but the PAV can do analog bass management and the little KEF 102/2s can use the help of the Velodyne HGS-10 sub in the low end.
