Wilson Sasha

My room is 4 by 5 meters with 3meters to the sealing. Woodend floor with a small carpet, brick wall and DaaD acoustic in the corners.
Will a set of Wilson Sasha speakers work in my room?

I use Pass Labs XA100,5, Hovland HP200p, TW Raven One with Kuzma 4point/ Lyra Titan i and Cardas cables.

My current speaker is Avalon Transcendent and for most of the time i really like the speaker. But at some point i`m missing the lowest bass (because the speaker cant deliver it). I dont have room problems with this speaker, but would like to have more beep powerfull bass.

I know that Wilson is quite different from Avalon, but i like bouth speakers. My consern is just that Wilson Sasha will be to mutch for my room.
The plasment of the speakers is 90cm to the side wall and 125cm to the back wall (from the tweeter). It`s not possible for me to have them further out from the backwall or closer to the sidewall.

Hope this information will help?
The Sasha's are highly adjustable. I doubt you'll have a issue, especially if you use a Wilson dealer to install and tune the speakers...
Hi Pierre,

Your room is good enough sized for a speaker like the Sasha. You also might want to consider a Rockport Avior speaker - about the same footprint as the Sasha and about the same retail price. I think it would be worth your while to audition the Avior if you are considering a change.
If you like your Avalons but want more bass add a pair of subs. Why
change your speakers. A pair of RELs would do nicely or even JL Audio
though I prefer the RELs coz the connection is easier and no X crossover
etc. If you want deep percussive bass, I suspect neither the Sasha nor the
Aviors will be enough. FWIW I run my Aviors with a pair of REL G1 subs
and the quality of bass ,in a room almost the same size as yours , is
All the best