Wilson Sasha

My room is 4 by 5 meters with 3meters to the sealing. Woodend floor with a small carpet, brick wall and DaaD acoustic in the corners.
Will a set of Wilson Sasha speakers work in my room?

I use Pass Labs XA100,5, Hovland HP200p, TW Raven One with Kuzma 4point/ Lyra Titan i and Cardas cables.

My current speaker is Avalon Transcendent and for most of the time i really like the speaker. But at some point i`m missing the lowest bass (because the speaker cant deliver it). I dont have room problems with this speaker, but would like to have more beep powerfull bass.

I know that Wilson is quite different from Avalon, but i like bouth speakers. My consern is just that Wilson Sasha will be to mutch for my room.
The plasment of the speakers is 90cm to the side wall and 125cm to the back wall (from the tweeter). It`s not possible for me to have them further out from the backwall or closer to the sidewall.

Hope this information will help?
For those who speak of room treatment, please read my first question........ My room is treated with DaaD acoustic and as i pointet out, i don`t have acoustic problems with my current speaker ;-)

Avalon Transcent is a great speaker but it`s not perfect. It has is "errors" in the lower reigons. And ofcourse it cant play the deepest bass, it only has 7" woofers and a small cabinet..... So i`m not think about new speaker because it cant play in my room, but because i want more and better speaker (to my preferrance).

I would love to have a set of Avalon ED but it is a bit out of my pric range. Therefor i`m looking for something else. And that could maby be Wilson Sasha

I have the Pass XA 160.5 amps with small, inefficient, sealed two-way stand
mounted speakers, but when I play the Sheffield Labs Drum LP really loud, the
bass impact, articulation and speed is tremendous. I also have a small room. I
hired Jim Smith to voice my system and the system's tone, dynamics and
presence took a major step forward.

I suggest you consider hiring a really good set up guy to voice your system to
your room, at least as a starting point before you invest in new speakers. Proper
listening location and speaker placement will do wonders for your musical
enjoyment. And it is relatively inexpensive compared to a major component
Yessss roomacoustic gives the many times the biggest problems. I am in audio busienss since 1998, and in the last two years I did a lot of testing roomacoustic systems. These days I use Audessey Pro. I did a lot of testing. I use different hights then Audessey uses. These results are superior than the Audessey way. I never liked roomacoustic systems. But........Audessey Pro is the first one what knocked my down. I hated wenn you loose a lot of dynamics with these systems. But Audessey Pro does not have this problem. A few years ago I owned the Pass labs XA100.5 with the XP-20. Now I use the Pass Labs X250.5 with Onkyo PR-SC5509. The most craziest thing is that I have a wider and deeper stage than with the XP-20. It goes even further. The individual focus is better. 2nd and 3th voices of recordings are more easy to follow and point out were they are standing. Low freq. are so tight and I can play at high volums and I never get any acoustic problem. This is like a dream come true to be unnest. In the past I owned a lot of expensive stuff, but this sets everything to a new level in music. I never enjoyed music this much. I play for many hours each day so good it is. It is like an addiction. All I can say; I love it!
Pierre - even Avalon ED is still a bit light in the bass department - atleast it appears to be so in my system - BUT, I have some room modifications to be done - so I should report back after that!!!
I have Sashas in a room similar to yours - 4.3 x 5.5 x 2.6m. They are a perfect match. Before the Wilsons, I have had the Eidolons Vision, and those too, were a little light in LF.