Affordable "Thiel type" speakers are?

Hi All,

I am a big fan of the Thiel's highly detailed, transparent, tight sound. In my main system in a smaller room I have 2.4s and in my secondary system in an 18x14x10 room 3.5s. I like the 3.5s a lot but the 2.4s are a clear step up in all respects except for bass depth. I have been looking for 3.6s within driving distance for almost a year with no luck. What I'm wondering is, is there any other candidate I should be considering if I come across it at a good price (i.e. $1400-$1700)? Again, my priorities are detail, transparency and tight bass.

Thanks in Advance
You would probably like something from Audio Physic. You can probably find something used in your price range.
Not sure your find anything as the 2.4 are pretty nice at their list price and compare pretty well with speakers that cost more. Vandersteen (ugly) Usher' and magnepan 1.7s come to mind.

There is a pair of usher Dancer Mini 2 on here way below normal price because they are stuffed.
A pre owned pair of Vandersteen 3A Sigs also has its drivers wired in phase like the Thiels and can perform superbly in that size room.
Why other folks are recommending speakers with outta phase
mid ranges for you is beyond me.