Affordable "Thiel type" speakers are?

Hi All,

I am a big fan of the Thiel's highly detailed, transparent, tight sound. In my main system in a smaller room I have 2.4s and in my secondary system in an 18x14x10 room 3.5s. I like the 3.5s a lot but the 2.4s are a clear step up in all respects except for bass depth. I have been looking for 3.6s within driving distance for almost a year with no luck. What I'm wondering is, is there any other candidate I should be considering if I come across it at a good price (i.e. $1400-$1700)? Again, my priorities are detail, transparency and tight bass.

Thanks in Advance
"I think the Vandersteens share a lot in common with the Thiels"

I always considered Vandersteens and Thiels opposites.
When you say you feel the 2.3s would "feel like a lateral move" are you referencing the 3.5s or 2.4s?

My understanding was you were trying to upgrade the 3.5s, but were very happy with the 2.4s as they are.

The 2.3s are a lateral move from the 2.4s, but my demoing suggests they are "better" sounding, more-modern design than the 3.6. Sonically 2.3s sound far more like the 2.4 than the 3.6. The 3.6 will play louder & deeper with enough power, but to my ear the 2.3 & 2.4 have more of those 'Thiel' characteristics you describe than do the older-school 3.6. 3.6 designed in '92 vs 2.3 clean-slate design in '98.

And in some ways the 2.3 lateral move may even exceed the 2.4s for you with tighter (though not deeper) bass, more perceived midrange detail, and marginally better soundstaging. Your subject line is "Affordable 'Thiel type' speakers are?" -- actual Thiel speakers for $1200!

OK, I've argued my case far enough :-)
The OP wants a speaker that sounds like Theil. I was a long time owner of Vandersteen and I liked them very much.My friend owned Thiels and I thought them to be a bright sounding speaker when compared to Vandys. They are apples and oranges.I don't care if the design is the same they do not sound like each other. I still say why recommend Vandersteen when he likes Thiels?
Thanks Unsound, for the Ebay lead.
Unfortunately, over 400 miles and 6 hours drive time one way to Stockbridge Ga. is too much for this old guy. I'll go up to 250 miles if I can find some that look promising, but that is about my limit. I have decided though, that unless I run into some Audio Physics close by to audition, I'll just be more patient and watch for 3.6s. It is not as if I am unhappy with my 3.5s, just looking for a bit more. I am within easy driving distance of Orlando and Jacksonville and could stretch myself to the Ft. Lauderdale, Miami area so it isn't as if I'm in the middle of North Dakota.
BTW to the Vandersteen fans who have responded, I like my 2CEs a lot and do feel they do a great deal of what the Thiels do. My preference in no way suggests that I think the Thiels "blow away" the Vandys. I have a suspicion that Jim Smith of "Get Better Sound" might suggest that I have an excessive focus on "audiophile sound effects" which detracts from my emotional connection with the music. Vandys are a top shelf speaker in my book, as are the Apogee Slant 6s which I still have. I have to move some speakers out of the house, but all of them are so nice I hate to see any of them go.
Thanks to everyone for the inputs, I do feel clearer about my options and for now I'll opt to watch and wait for 3.6s.