Case of the dissapearing Bass

This might sound odd but....

My bass is gone, when i say gone i mean really really gone. I moved my speakers around the room to try to take some of the drone out of the bass. ( moved the speakers further off the wall etc)After having a play around I managed to tidy up the drone a little too well. Now i have no bass.

I have a pair of B&W 802d's, The woofers are popping away like mad im really giving the speakers a workout and Ive totally killed the nice bass slam I had before now to the stage where its non exitent unless I get behind the speakers.

I would have thought the maybe they're out of phase but i havent changed the leads or anything so i dont see how that can be the case.

Im at a bit of a loss. I dont know what to do to get my bass back. Ive even pushed the speakers back closer to the wall than I had them before to no avail.

Any thoughts?
What are the dimensions of your room? Look up the Cardas speaker placement formula (google it). Try that out first and then slowly move your speakers closer to the wall behind them one inch at a time.
Sumiko Master Set speaker placement is the best way to find the best positioning in difficult rooms.
Here is a link to the Sumiko Master Set Up.

Helped a friend set his speakers up in a new house with this and frankly didn't like the imaging it was giving us, but it is another good tool to try with.
hmmm...whether you feel your amps are not up for the task is one thing but i cannot understand why you have absolutley no bass at all. I can see a change in the overall sonics when you change the speaker position but it usually is not as drastic as you have described. Having said that the 802's do need some extra power to drive them effectively. Have you tried to put them back to its original spot just to make sure something has not gone faulty with your components?
Whats your budget for new amps? I like the Bryston with the B&W product. I use it and so do alot of fellow audiophilliacs in my area.