Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
ps if you take a listen to Bollings big Band cd it's in reverse phase so switch them speakers leads to be 'lit up';)
@ ptss My digital player has a toggle switch on back to invert the phase in or out, cool huh?, Ptss, you seem like you are very cool!, I believe I dig you and your equipment!you have fantastic choices here!, some of the music you mentioned I am not familar with, I am 46 yrs old, how old do you mine me asking are you?,That was a wonderful story you told here, and to finish it off with a shot of whiskey made for a perfect end!, cheers!
Don't underestimate the power of the dark side...I mean the S4700s, haha, as well as the K29900s. Both speakers punch well above their price points. The S4700s more so at a list price of $15000. I have a funny feeling that once these are reviewed, everyone's gonna be scrambling to buy them. That is my crazy prediction. The only drawback to these JBLs is they need A LOT of break in time, imo. They don't sound too good out of the box. Not very dynamic. Rather thin and lifeless. But once you put a lot of hours on them, they're superb and very revealing of associated equipment and recordings.
@ dave_72, I did not know you are into JBL speakers!, I have seen you around on the gon!, Man, tell us more!, cheers!, that was great info!, Ptss has the legendary 250Ti here!, I am In lala land!, Go JBL!
Thanks for the nice comments above, guys.

Herd mentality is interesting, how markets can be swayed by one or two men can be amazing. Look at Parker in the wine world.

In the West, just a couple of magazines slamming horn speakers over and over and over resulted in compression driver/horn technology to be almost universally rejected. In light of this, I am surprised to see such JBL support in this thread.

Sure, there are some JBL bummers over the years, hurtfully harsh speakers. But there are nasty sounding cones too. Are cones black-balled?

Again, surprised to see the support here. One irony is that though horns are maligned in the West, many folks think Tannoys sound smooty....in fact, many folks would like more forwardness than Tannoys offer, without realizing they are compression drivers with horns. I've had folks tell me horns are awful, yet talk about the prettiness of Tannoy sound when I bring them up.

Another irony, I have some friends who trust my expertise greatly, but when I fell in love with Everests I heard over and over "but are you sure they are not bright? Are you sure they don't honk?" Every one of them, upon hearing, commented on the ease and sweetness of the speakers.

As for me, I don't care what technology something is. If it seems professionally executed I'll listen without prejudice. You have to. Every design is different. I never had heard a ceramic drivered speaker that did not drive me out of the room with harshness. But when I saw the Estalons 2 years ago I went into the room with interest, and was treated to some of the most natural, easy music I could have wished for. There they were, ceramic driver speakers with gorgeous tone. Dogma is unproductive. Unfortunately, forums here are full of it, much of it spouted by guys without much experience. So glad to see the posters on this thread are more open minded.